HT Certification

Quality Box (1971) Ltd is fully certified to supply HT Certified pallets for export. We have been participating in the CHTWPCP (Canadian Heat Treatment Wood Products Certification Program) since 2008 and have the experience to offer new and used HT pallets for export. Contact us if you have any questions regarding wood packaging for export.

Different countries sometimes have different rules regarding WPM (Wood Packaging Material). Before you begin the export process you should contact us for information pertaining to the recipient country. This will help mitigate any delays and extra costs associated with non-conformance in shipping with WPM that is not correctly certified. We would be glad to offer any information we can in regards to your shipment, if we don't know the answer we will find it for you.

The authority in Canada overseeing the CHTWPCP is the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, they are in charge of ensuring that protocols and standards are in place and being exercised by the certified producers of WPM.

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